Monday, February 21, 2011

Vernal Reflections

Vernal Reflections Study in Black and White, near Freshwater Lagoon 2011

I feel as if I am finally closing in on some successful images of red alder trees. I've been studying these for years and years, photographing them first with my trusty old Korona 4"x5" view camera, and then with the Mamiya 645 roll film camera. I never felt that I got the dynamic range, and thus the prints that I visualized when I took the photographs.

That has all changed. Yesterday when I was at Prairie Creek, and Freshwater Lagoon, I was able to capture the images that for years had eluded my abilities. I just now printed this one, and one other that I took yesterday. These images on the internet are only representations of what the prints look like. They really need to be seen in person, but at least these will give you a general idea of their aesthetics.

I have a couple of shows coming up this year, and many of these prints will be exhibited at those. I will be at the Senior Resource Center for the month of July, and at the F Street Foto Gallery in August and September. Both galleries are in Eureka.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Break in the Weather

Boyes Creek at Prairie Creek State Park

I went north today in an attempt to seize one of the few remaining opportunities to photograph the deciduous trees before they leaf out. These three images more or less cover the spectrum of images that I saw today.

Orick 76
Stone Lagoon Sunset

Vernal Reflections

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Closed and Locked Doors

Tonight's Supper

This morning I went into a couple of encampments in the Eureka area. I was escorted by a couple of men whom offered to share some of their life's stories with me. I initially had a lot of trepidation about doing this. My fears of interacting with the "homeless" was fueling my fears. What got me through my fears and into "my groove" was when I realized that I just had to view everyone with whom I interact through the eyes of Godliness.

Cannot Go Here

I am very pleased to report that I had a very sucessful outing. I did see each individual as I think God would - free of judgment, and through the eyes of unconditional LOVE. I got quite a few very nice portraits of some individuals, and I even received an open invitation to return to one camp.

I cannot share the portraits, because I don't have any agreements yet with the subjects. If I do get the agreements I will post some here.

Right now on A Prairie Home Companion a choir is singing Hallelujah, Hallelujah, and it reminds me that my prime directive in this life is to become as God. I am grateful for the opportunity to face my fears.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Continuing Joy of Black and White Photography

I am having a wonderful time going through my catalog of photographs, and looking for images that I think will work well in black and white. Since today is my grandson John's birthday I felt I should find some images of him to post. The following images are some of what I worked on today.

Kevin 2010

Matthew 2010

John 2010

 I posted additional photographs on my Face Book page.