Monday, March 5, 2012


The One I Finally Decided To Print  
If you compare this image with my first one from yesterday's posting you will see only minor differences. I chose to brighten up the shore line yellow/green in the center of the composition. I feel that the brightness really draws my eye into the center, and then my eye is drawn upward into the trees. I like how it works here. I am looking at the prints of the two versions, and I am very pleased with how this one came out on paper.

I found out last week that my work was acceptable to the screening committee at the Humboldt Arts Council. That means that my application to exhibit my work in the downstairs "member's" gallery was confirmed. I will install a small exhibit of works for sale on April 2nd, and in time for the April Arts Alive. It is a small space, but is in a great location.