Monday, July 26, 2010

Web Site Update

I think we have just about finished updating the web site. It looks much better, and includes examples of most of my current work. I owe a big debt of gratitude to Ellen Briggs for all of her fine work on the site.

It is my intent to use the blog space to share the ongoing works before they are posted on the web site.

This morning I seized an opportunity to "grab" this shot. It is of the Arcata Scrap and Salvage which is right across from the Arcata Marsh. I was on my way to the auto mechanic's  when I saw this shot. So when I finished my business with the mechanic, I walked back to grab this and several other shots. This was a one-time shot, as the carts were moved by this afternoon.

Arcata Scrap and Salvage, July 2010
Thanks for looking.