I hit the streets of Arcata again this morning to continue photographing the early morning city scenes. It was overcast, drippy, and dark. The light sources were the street and store lights, and a small, but ever increasing amount of ambient sky light. This mix of lighting created a unique pallet of color that I think typifies the Arcata mornings.
I started with longer shots, but it did not take me long to go in closer on some of the subjects. I am quite pleased with this shot. It makes me think of the Laurie Anderson song "The Day The Devil Comes To Get You".
On Ninth Street I revisited "Smoochie Skin". I see that the building is now vacant, and I assume that Smoochie Skin is history (I do hope the people involved are doing well). I took some shots of the Arcata Fire Station and some more business on the south side of the plaza.
It was a quiet morning on the plaza today. A semi truck making deliveries to Brio, some travelers taking the Amtrak Bus out of town, a few parked cars, and not much else - just some old guy with his camera and tripod trying to be creative.